My name is Carolyn “Cari” Green (nee Bradley).
(1) Cari, (2) John Howard Bradley, (3) Percy Bradley, (4) Frederic Bradley, (5) John Henry Bradley, (6) Benjamin Bradley, (7) Thomas Bradley, (8) Anthony Bradley, (9) Henry Bradley.
I have been researching my Bradley and associated families for a number of years now. My father`s first cousin Eliza Bradley (daughter of Henry Howard Bradley) gave me about a dozen scraps of paper which contained notes of the family over a few generations but needless to say Eliza died before I decided to take up the research in any detail! This was the very first lesson and it was learnt the hard way! Since then I have had great fun trying to make sense of her information and I have found that in almost every case there has been some grain of truth in what she wrote. Just for an example, in the Figgis line it was noted that Neville had ‘drowned in the Titanic’ but in fact I have discovered that he himself was not on the ship but it was a manuscript of his that he was sending to America. I like to think that if I had started this quest from scratch I would still have found these families, but it was the references to them in the notes, and also old photo albums that came to light that have made the journey more personal. England is the homebase of the family but there are Irish, Welsh and American connections, with Australia too.
Some of the interesting people I have found are John Henry Bradley, Reverend Samuel Bradley, Frederic Bradley. In the Tredwell family there are the brothers Francis Tredwell, Thomas Tredwell, John Tredwell, William Tredwell, Solomon Tredwell. Other characters are Reverend John Benjamin Figgis, Neville Figgis, Colonel Doctor Thomas Young, Francis Pigg or Piggott, Joseph Pigg.
The links above will take you to the individual pages for the respective families.
Individual family information is in narrative form with a link to an outline descendant tree for each. I have copies of certificates, census returns, Wills and other documents but have not entered them here. I have tried to verify each finding but on many occasions have also had to rely on others – professional or otherwise. There may well be mistakes for which I apologise but it is an informal research hobby carried out with the very best of intentions.
Where applicable I have acknowledged the wonderful and very much appreciated help I have received.